'das IrisFeld' - our varieties

As at January 2025, our varieties, all tall bearded iris unless otherwise stated, now total around 700.  We are also currently testing 120 of our iris seedlings.
The varieties that have already bloomed are listed alphabetically in the menu below.

Das IrisFeld - Variety photo index 05.02.2025
250205_website photo list total.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 142.7 KB

Peak bloom at the iris field 2021 - www.dasirisfeld.ch
Peak bloom at the iris field 2021 - www.dasirisfeld.ch

'das IrisFeld'
Iris- und Rosen-Schaugarten / iris and rose display garden


Oetlishauserstrasse 1

9216 Hohentannen


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